Wilson Solicitors’ Public Law & Human Rights team is thrilled to welcome solicitor Frankie Boon to the team. Frankie trained with City firm Ashurst, before working in the public law team at Duncan Lewis Solicitors. More recently, she has worked as a solicitor at charities Hackney Migrant Centre and Rainbow Migration.

Frankie has a wealth of experience in judicial reviews relating to immigration detention, migrant support and migrant rights. She is particularly committed to representing people with a history of offending who are held in immigration detention following custodial sentences and for whom it can be very challenging to secure release. She also acts in civil actions for compensation for people who experience unlawful treatment in the immigration system and by other state authorities.

If you would like Frankie to represent you or a person you are supporting, contacted by phone or 020 8885 7994 email f.boon@wilsonllp.co.uk.

If you have a family law case you need assistance with, please contact Mavis on 020 8885 7986 to arrange for an appointment with a solicitor in the family team.

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