We have an exciting new policy position within our immigration team. This position is a legal policy role - to help create change for in-need Europeans and their family members who are affected by issues arising from the EU Settlement Scheme.

The policy role sits within the Strategic Alliance for Europeans and their family members (SAFE) Project. This is a 3-year project that commenced in September 2023 and is currently due to end on 31st August 2026. The project is funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Grant for London.

The project was previously managed by the Here for Good charity and is now managed by Wilson Solicitors. You will be working in a team alongside two solicitors at Wilson Solicitors and legal services manager at Seraphus.

The SAFE Project undertakes both policy work and strategic litigation and the policy role will help to inform whether or not specific issues should be litigated. To date the project has brought a number of judicial reviews challenging Home Office guidance and policy, and for individuals denied their rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

For further details of the role please read the job description and the person specification below and to apply please complete the application form and the equality form.

Full time (although part-time for 4 days will be considered)

Flexible working (option to work from home for some of the time)

Annual leave – 30 days

Fixed Term contract – ending 31st August 2026.

Deadline for application – Monday 14th April 9am.

If you have any questions about the role please contact Mala Savjani at m.savjani@wilsonllp.co.uk

Download the Person Specification here

Person Specification – EUSS Legal Policy Officer


  • Experience of legal policy work
  • Knowledge of the EUSS
  • Ability to form relationships with numerous organisations and individuals and gather information to inform strategic litigation
  • Ability to write policy papers, project reports, and persuasive correspondence.
  • Ability to work as a team
  • Ability to deliver training and speak confidently in public
  • An interest in the issues faced by migrants and empathy for people in this position
  • A willingness to attend occasional evening and weekend events relevant to the role (with time off in lieu)


  • Experience of EUSS legal policy work.
  • Experience of attending and taking part in sector-wide meetings relating to the EUSS
  • A degree in law, politics, or a subject related to the role.

Download the Job Description here

EUSS Legal Policy Officer – Job Description

The SAFE Project undertakes both policy work and strategic litigation and the policy role will help to inform whether or not specific issues should be litigated. To date the project has brought a number of judicial reviews challenging Home Office guidance and policy, and for individuals denied their rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

The role will include:

  • Attending regular sector-wide meetings and events to share and gather information and to identify important issues that potentially need litigating. For example, this may include attending meetings of the EUSS Alliance and the EU Delegation.
  • Attending regular SAFE Project meetings to help direct the work the team should undertake.
  • Maintaining and developing relationships with other EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) and Grant Funded Organisations to share information about issues arising from the EUSS.
  • Undertaking legal policy work drawing on our extensive database of cases and information gathered from networking.
  • Drafting policy papers and correspondence to be sent to the Home Office or other government departments as agreed by the SAFE Project from time to time.
  • Assisting in drafting practical guides, templates, and training material for the sector to use.
  • Sharing knowledge and experience of the EUSS with caseworkers and solicitors representing clients under the scheme and identify potential cases for strategic litigation arising.
  • Delivering training for advisors at other organisations from time to time.
  • Providing casework support to the solicitors conducting strategic legal work as agreed by the SAFE Project from time to time
  • Assisting in the preparation of required reports to funders during and at the end of the project

Download the Application form here

Saturday appointments are available at our Central London office with Ana Gonzalez by prior arrangement.

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